Your moving home checklist

As you get close to owning your new home, there are lots of things that you will need to do. To help you stay organised and ensure a smooth transition, here’s a comprehensive moving home checklist:

Four weeks before... 

  • Order boxes, labels and packing materials
  • Clear out unwanted items, take to charity shops, freecycle or take to the tip
  • Go through your attic
  • Go through the garage and shed

Two weeks before…
Once you have exchanged and have an agreed moving date...

  • Gas Supplier
  • Electricity Supplier
  • Water Supplier
  • Telephone
  • Sky / Cable / On Demand / Video
  • Services
  • Council Tax
  • TV Licencing
  • Broadband Supplier
  • DVLA
  • Car Insurance
  • Bank / Building Society
  • Credit and Store Cards
  • Loans
  • Inland Revenue
  • Accountant 
  • Pension Provider
  • Passport Office
  • Doctor
  • Dentist
  • Health Club
  • Newspaper / Magazine Subscription
  • Post Office Redirection
  • Work
  • Friends & Family
  • Boiler or Appliance Insurance

One week before... 

  • Empty and defrost your freezer
  • Pack everything you don’t need in the next week
  • Re-confirm your removals company or van hire reservations
  • Make arrangements for childcare or pets

Two days before... 

  • Speak to the selling Estate Agent and under stand the plan for keys 
  • Ask about any alarms on your new home and the code
  • Pack the final things you don’t need in the next day
  • Take down any lights and curtains you are taking with you

The Big Day

  • Confirm final meter readings at the home you are leaving
  • Switch off power and water supplies if your home is not being occupied straight away
  • Lock all the windows and doors, leave window keys by the relevant window
  • Drop the keys off at the Estate Agent
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